An Exhibition That Might Exist was presented at the Feldman Gallery at Pacific Northwest College of Art in 2014, and it combined my work as an artist and arts writer. For each day of the six-week show, a new three-page “review” of an imagined exhibition was printed and placed in a vitrine on the front of a two-sided reading desk. The previous day’s review was moved to a stack at the back of the table. The gallery re-lit the space each day according to the information in the “review,” so that if the review said “two large paintings on the south wall,” then the south wall was lit with two spotlights to mark where the (imaginary) work resided. This project involved the viewer/reader as a co-author of the work, considered the threshold at which text becomes object, and addressed the idea of criticism as historiography. Critic John Motley penned a thoughtful appraisal of the show for The Oregonian.
An Exhibition That Might Exist, 2014; custom reading table, Plexiglass, three-page exhibition reviews; dimensions variable.
An Exhibition That Might Exist, 2014; custom reading table, Plexiglass, three-page exhibition reviews; dimensions variable.